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Monday, September 6, 2010

September 6 - Yellowstone National Park

I am out of adjectives that mean 'incredible'...Yellowstone is over the top!
Old Faithful
It is a new picture around every curve in the road. It is rugged rocky mountains. It is pine forests old and new. It is grassy flats with winding rivers running through. It is waterfalls. It is thermal spots that release steam, gases and boiling water.  It is geysers and bubbling mud basins. It is wildlife. It is different weather every hour (or less). It is a truly amazing place that we are blessed to have been able to see.

He walked right across that river 30 seconds after this pic!
By the way, when we arrived in the park on Sunday...it was overcast on the mountains and about 55 degrees. The clouds were low and gray and the wind was sharp (20+ mile per hour gusts). We said many times throughout the afternoon that it sure looked like snow type clouds, but, it's Labor Day weekend and 50 degrees. Well, the temperature continued to drop all afternoon, and sure enough, by check in at 5:45 it started snowing. We woke on Monday to frost and 23 degrees! BRR.

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