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Friday, September 3, 2010

Sept. 3 - South Dakota

Rick and the girls headed into Corn Palace

Today we left Iowa and crossed into South Dakota. We are surprised at how beautiful this place is. We think they should market themselves a little better as we were expecting the highlight to be Rushmore! Instead, we have found thus far, beautiful rolling grass covered hills, ranches, miles of sunflower fields (so pretty), and several silly-gotta go there stops. We visited the world's only corn palace, in Mitchell and Al's Oasis just across the Missouri River where you can still buy a cup of coffee for 5 cents! At Al's we ran into a dozen or so horse trailers with many horses on each...being horse people ourselves, we had to chat with a cowboy (and cowgirl) about where everyone was going...they said on weekends folks go out camping and trail riding. One couple was headed to help a friend herd some cattle. So cool!
Buffalo at Al's Oasis
Starbuck's will never survive here!
 We have just entered the mountain time zone as well. That has really worked to our advantage as we just gained another hour to explore the Badlands...which is coming up in about 40 miles. Just saw a herd of longhorn cattle!


  1. Hey! What an exciting trip so far! Reese is not here now, but I can't wait to show her all you guys have done! Thanks for keeping us all posted on your travels!

  2. Thanks for checking in..I can't wait to tell Stevie that you guys checked on her! She bought a lasso tonight at the trading post. She is sure she will be a great cowgirl after some practice! Fun.

  3. Wow! How cool for us to know a "real" cowgirl with a lasso! I agree with Stevie that she will be great at it!
