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Monday, September 6, 2010

September 5

Today started out with a funny, small world, moment...at 6:45am (anyone who knows us well knows this is unusual in and of itself) as we were loading up in the parking lot to head out for our trail ride...we met a couple with OBX plates on their van. Turns out they are from Suffolk, VA and now live in the Outer Banks...after a little more conversation, turns out they have a daughter that attended JMU...little more conversation, turns out their children attended NSA! The lady I met was named Ann Chapel (and husband) if anyone knows her kids...? Her daughters graduated NSA in late 80s or so. Funny world. 
Our first whole family ride! Awesome!

Anyway, on with the day...we left Cody to head to Absaroka Mountain Lodge where our trail ride was going to be departing from. AML is a neat mountain lodge tucked in the woods of Shoshone National Forest. It had small cabins and a classic lodge gathering area with a fireplace, antlers everywhere, writing desk with a lamp and maps of the forest and Yellowstone and a dining area. Right along the property, winds a creek that leads to the Shoshone river. Standing anywhere outside, you can hear it. The property also had a playground with roping dummies! So we already know what we will be doing later after our ride!
Rick and Nugget
We walked down the path toward the barn and found a clearing with our horses tacked up and ready to go. After some instructions we mounted up. Stevie and Rachel rode mules! My what big ears they had...but perfect for them on these rugged trails and they were smiling ear to ear no matter. Ashley rode a stout pony that she was told often wanders off the trail (though it did not while she was on...I told her that's why they gave her that one). Rick rode Nugget the paint horse. I was on Shadow, an actual mustang, she had been bought from the mustang round up! Cool. Another family rode with us and the 2 guides. The guides carried bear spray in their holster....just in case, though they mentioned that bears would run from horses anyway and bears had not ever been sighted on the trail we were headed down. Good news. We rode off through the forest on a trail, that was rather steep at times, crossing the creek twice. It was amazing how well the horses are able to handle to big round rocks lining the creek and navigate through the forest.

Girls at the front of the trail

Nugget took advantage of Rick a little and wandered a bit. :) After about a hour and 15 minutes on the trail we found ourselves at a campsite. Another worker from the lodge was there already tending the fire. It smelled so great in the chilly morning air! We dismounted and took a seat on big logs by the fire. We watched him whip up a huge breakfast of eggs, potatoes, biscuits and bacon. Breakfast was served on those blue and white speckled camp plates and there was plenty for seconds if you wanted.

Breakfast never looked so good!
Afterward, we mounted back up and rode the trail back to the barn (about another 20 minutes)...we were all shocked to see Rick and Nugget take off into a trot down the trail! (Really, Rick was pretty shocked by that too!!)

After returning and petting our horses we went up for Stevie to try her hand at roping. It was harder than it looks but she eventually did it. She says she is going to set up a stick or something to keep practicing in the California yard.    

So far this morning's experience has been the most memorable of our trip! It was perfect. Next stop,  Yellowstone....


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