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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sept. 17 - Santa Cruz

Toes in the sand again!
The girls and I took off Friday afternoon to check out the beach at Santa Cruz. We were looking so forward to seeing the sand and ocean again! If there is anything I have learned on this trip it is that I am truly a coastal person. It feels very strange (uncomfortable) to be so far away from the coast and surrounded by land, mountains, rugged terrain, land, trees, mountains, land, mountains...repeat, and NO water.
Santa Cruz was a short 20 minute drive down the curviest stretch of highway you've ever seen. Whew.

Once there, we found that it has a cool boardwalk, carnival area and drive out pier that people call the wharf. The wharf is lined with restaurants, shops and sea lions. We walked the beach and boardwalk, looked at the sea lions on the dock, then had ice cream/root beer floats at Andy's at the end of the wharf.

Out in the water, there are great longboard surfing waves and we were really wishing we could get out there...problem is the water temperature! Full wetsuits required here. A short drive along the coast brings you to the point where the best surfers are taking on some really huge waves along a rocky coastal cliff.

Crazy. Fog tends to roll in and at times it was hard to see anything beyond the immediate wall of water coming over those guys. They were fun to watch and there was a big crowd hanging around the lookout point.

I was feeling good having walked in the sand and seen the ocean... I sent Rick a text, he was still at the office.

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