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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sepetmber 7-8 - Yellowstone and West Yellowstone, MT


Climbing the rocks with the girls! They loved this!
We made a video (click the link above) to show you the unusual landscape that is around the various thermal areas in Yellowstone. It is steamy and bubbling with boiling spring water and gases. It smells of rotten eggs in those areas due to the sulfur coming out of the 'pits'.
Each area is unique in its appearance. Some are beautiful blue and green, some are clear,  some white (those look like frozen areas) and some are MUD. Very cool to see but not so great to smell!

Buffalo herd...1 of many!

Here are some pics. of the wildlife and our life around Yellowstone! At first, when we saw a lone buffalo we would pull the car over! After a while, you only stop if one is standing in the road (which they do!) or there is a giant herd. We never saw a bear and we were sort of bummed about that but also...glad! We found so many cool things to explore, if only we had more time and bear spray (Rick and I were hesitant to go too far off main road without that).
Canyon Falls...amazing!
So cute!
 We saw some amazing sights like the canyon falls and a huge trout swimming in the river. Yes, the water was so clear I could see it from the side. There were many fly fisherman in the rivers. Though I never saw anyone catch anything. We learned that the most common trout is the cutthroat rather than the rainbow. We also saw elk and many chipmunks (the favorite of the girls).

He could have touched that guy!
 We also learned that the large hump on the back of the buffalo is muscle to hold up their large heads!
Big elk!
We are off to Jackson Hole, WY today. We will be driving over the Teton Mountain range today. They are, in the distance now, the largest mountains I have ever seen!

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