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Friday, October 22, 2010


Rick had some work in Los Angeles, so, after leaving Los Gatos we headed south to L.A...
Obviously, the girls wanted to see the Hollywood sign and the famed Hollywood Blvd. We arrived in town and headed straight for the hills to get as close as possible to the sign. We checked online and found the best viewing spot (straight to the end of Beachwood Dr) in the original Hollywoodland neighborhood. The location was right in the Hollywood hills and adjacent to an area called Griffith park. Cool to see the sign so close-up and, big surprise, there is a horse farm up there! Who knew that? I was expecting only Tom Cruise or somebody up in those hills and instead found horses! Even better.

After taking pics and wandering around the trails on the hill, we headed back down to Hollywood Blvd. It was interesting to see, but a total tourist trap. There was, of course, the Kodak Theater and the Chinese Theater next door, which are famous locations. Then there were the stars....the girls were happy to see David Hasselhoff's star! Funny, they knew him from some Spongebob episodes! Silly. Oh, and, there was some big red carpet event taking place at Hard Rock so the street was blocked and security people were all around...and lights, cameras, etc...

Limo drop off zone in front of Hard Rock Grand Opening
After taking in the sights, we headed over to Santa Monica where we were staying. Friday, while Rick worked, we strolled (and shopped) down 3rd and Promenade St. and then drove up through Malibu and checked out the beach and homes. So lovely. 
Hanging out in Malibu on a Friday afternoon.

Point Dume, Malibu

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