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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fisherman's Wharf San Francisco

So good to see Nanny!
Most Ridiculous Street Show worth $1
 Nanny has come to town! After picking Nanny up at the airport, we drove into San Francisco to spend the day down by the fisherman's wharf.  It was a very busy day in the wharf...people, people everywhere. Also, by the time we parked and set out, the fog was coming in and the wind had picked up a bit making for a very chilly bayside experience.  Nonetheless, we had fun and saw many great sights. We walked past all the typical crab and seafood vendors along the main wharf area and saw several odd guys on display...one completely in gold and another in silver. They were not really captivating the way Mallory Square, Key West guys are. Instead they seemed odd. One even seemed bothered that people weren't offering him much spare change or attention! We were kind of amused by this. One character did get our attention and we stopped to watch him for awhile. His costume consisted of some tree/shrub branches bundled together and a can for tips. He hunched down beside a trash can, covering himself with the greenery and would scare random people walking by for tips. Funny to watch. Nobody seemed to notice the oddly placed shrubbery by the trash can in the middle of the sidewalk and almost without fail people jumped and screamed! Ridiculous.

Well, of course, by now we were hungry...so we stopped at the Boudin Bistro. It is above the Boudin Bakery where they bake that famous San Fran sourdough. If you eat at the Bistro, you get free admission to the bread museum and factory (normally a $3 charge!), so this was a win win deal. The girls, okay all of us, loved having a birdseye view of the bread bakery and watching the goings on of bread making. We saw bread go through the entire bakery process from flour to shaping and baking. Cool and it smelled amazing!
Cute bread!
After checking out the bread factory we wandered around Pier 39 and saw the sea lions piled up. They were very quiet during our visit. We looked at them for awhile, walked on and then amazingly found ourselves right outside of the Ghirardelli building! We had little choice but to go ahead in and order a few treats to share...since Nanny was there and all.

Finally, we headed back to the car and decided we should quick drive through Chinatown before going back to Los Gatos. It was so very busy and colorful. Very cool. Two particularly interesting sights: chickens and 'stuff' hanging up in the windows of the markets and the Floating Boat Sushi Restaurant. Here is how that works: Sushi boats, really, small boats, float around a center island. On each boat is a sushi roll. When your favorite type sails by, you grab that boat! Clever.
Looking up the Wharf area from Pier 39...notice the Ghirardelli sign, like a beacon, above the area.

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