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Monday, October 25, 2010

Albuquerque, New Mexico

After driving all morning through New Mexico, we were very pleased to find ourselves in Albuquerque by early afternoon. We strolled around this beautiful city and visited some fun and unique local places. We visited the old town area which is designed in classic style with a church, a town square/gathering area and shops surrounding it. We loved looking at the unique buildings and their authentic styles.

We did visit the world's largest rattlesnake museum (I am not sure there are any others actually..so by default) and a store that sold every kind of chile you could imagine. While at the rattlesnake museum, we saw an article framed that told the ridiculous tale of a man biting the head off of a rattlesnake. His lips were too swollen to comment, an the doctors deemed him 'lucky' to be alive after getting bitten 5 times! A closer look revealed the newspaper, article and man are from Elkton, Virginia !! Other unique items of interest were scorpion lollipops and stuffed jack-a-lopes. Hum, are they real or aren't they?

Ridiculous article from Virginia!!
We have thought a great deal about the people we saw in New Mexico, in Albuquerque, and in the various Indian lands we drove through on the way. There was a true poverty there and we saw people that really needed a hand. We wished we could have been more of a blessing to those that we encountered. Sometimes you wonder if your kind deed changes them as much as it changes you! One man in particular, we are still thinking of and hoping he finds his way.

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