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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Beach ride with Equine Adventures, Hatteras, NC

One of the best ways to enjoy the beach!!
Rick & Buzz
We decided to kick off the new year by going on a beach horseback ride in Hatteras, North Carolina. We made arrangements with Equine Adventures of Frisco, NC. Ashley and I have ridden with them before, but never the whole family! We actually own a horse named Ziggy who lives and works there (though lately his behavior may be jeopardizing his job, but that's another story...) so we are already fans!

Anyway, in a nutshell...Equine Adventures is a great trail riding outfit, well run, with friendly, knowledgeable guides and beautiful trails that wind through the only Maritime Forest on the Outer Banks and down a beautiful, somewhat remote, stretch of beach. When you're on the trail,  after heading out of the forest over the dunes and onto the beach, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse can be seen off in the distance!
Rachel & Oz
Once on the beach, the horses head down along the shoreline. The beach at this location is pristine! After about 25 minutes of walk, trot, canter beach time, it was time to turn back and head in. In all, our ride was about 2-2 1/2 hours.
Stevie & Belle
Forest trail

We had a great time out there....everyone did a great job and Rick and Stevie, who are both prone to allergy attacks, had no troubles today! We saw the beach, a place we love, in a whole new way! Great fun and a great way to start 2011 ! Highly recommend this adventure if you are ever in the area!